Lectures & Interviews redcell23 · 11.26.2022 · 1 min read Speaking with Lucy Lippard and Alysha Shaw as part of an SFAI Virtual Lecture Series in Santa Fe, NM 2011Product Division Artist talk with Aurora Claverie at La Lucciola Résidence poétique itinérante, Tangier, Morocco, 2014Interview with Sophia Wallace and JC Gonzo, 2013In the KSFR studios, guest hosting with JC Gonzo, 2015Interviews with Mary-Charlotte Domandi for KSFR at the link belowSanta Fe Radio Cafe interviews with Red CellParticipating in the Bruce High Quality Foundation‘s symposium at the Santa Fe University of Art and Design, 2011The Product Division having high tea and conversation with Alex Gildzen and Rick CastroGuesting hosting on Angie Reed‘s RebootFM show, Venus Rising, 2014